Modeling of dose for a beam exposure is usually done for a number of reasons, such as

- Design of an experiment,

- Evaluation of the thickness of PolyRAD used to test shielding performance in an electron or proton beam,

- Evaluation of the thickness of GamXRAD used to test shielding performance in a Gamma or X-Ray beam, or

- Evaluation of a tissue-equivalent polymeric material (TEPM).

Perhaps you have other needs of modeling, such as the verification or evaluation of the performance of your product.

Contact us and we will be happy to discuss your requirements.

Modeling for Electron and Gamma Beam Exposures

Electron and Proton Radiation Shielding


Dose Modeling for Space Flight



Gamma Radiation Shielding


Tissue Equivalent Materials

Dose Modeling for Electron and Gamma Exposures


Dose Modeling for Spacecraft Design